
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Metro vs Green (Part 2)

Ola...ahahaha...nak gelak dulu seblm orang lain gelak..y??coooozz... i janji tinggal such a slow coach...i'll try to speed up somehow rather there's always things that cut me off my express lane..ehehehe (blame lagi)..neways here are the 2nd session
for the
Metro vs Green

here i present Syazwani Musa and her fiance' as our evening model for the day

this session was accompanied and thought by Peveyhack and Ranggie. it was a great experience that day.....

ok below here are the shots behind the scene..

myself and Pevey

the organizers that had made it happened up to our satisfaction are :
1. Rashdi Amin (Peveyhack) : Chief
2. Azizil Sedek: Assistant Chief

3. Zubir Juzad : Faci
4. Muhammad Zayd: Faci

5. Yusaini Yunus (Ranggie) : Faci
Last but not least a whole lot of the gang bang for the Metro vs Green photo

picture courtesy of Zayd
witht this, i would want to personally thanks to all; organizers and models for giving me the opportunity to gain experience and knowledge..jasa korang dikenang..wuuuhhuuu.... BLISS!!



shereen says:
at: September 7, 2009 at 9:11 PM said...

this is a test