
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Man not a blogger girl actually. well during my school days.. yeah i was..currently, my aim and virtue has all change to photoshoot. oh my my.. for the past weekend, i really had a jolly fun time. not only fun, though all parts of my body was bitchingly aching but it was all worth the experience. i shall start with my one night shoot story , and probably i shall continue with my second photos shoot story tommorow perhaps ;)

On friday, i was truly madly sick, but i had received a call from
Syafeeq in the evening inviting me for a B'day shoot at Pan Pacific Hotel in KL or more or less it is now called Sri Pacific Hotel. i was thinking away, should i or should not i go. at the end of the day, i was thinking, "oh the hell with this fever, moving around is better rather than stay put and letting the feverish ache crawling allover my body". and so that late evening i went off to Syafeeq's house. and guess what...taaaddaaaaa....ive been told the Master of Wedding Photographer; Wantai shall be there as well..

oh god, only Allah knows how my heart went pumping drastically, how turmoil my stomach was, butterfly crunching non-stop...and as almost there, at the Mamak Restaurant neaby Syafeeq's house, my eyes were scouting for the Master. and there he was sitting with a glass of drink and a cigarrete on his left fingers. we handshake, he nodded as in "hi". and from there started all the blabbering conversation.. i must say this...Wantai is fella..he's crazy, he's down to earth, and very very much with attitude. i loikee... all the awkwardly bizzare feeling vanish within just a glimps...ahahahah...after Syafeeq finished up his early dinner we took off to the hotel.

on my side of the story, i was looking forward for this meet up very very much wasn't planned out. it just happen..everything seems to fall in place though. previously i had followed Syafeeq to a wedding shoot at Tmn Melawati, i was told to take what ever it takes as my portfolio. portfolio done, resume send out, last but not least text ym to Wantai. waiting....waiting...feeling enthusiast curb again, cant wait, text Wantai again for assurance, hoping he would take a look at my ordinary but passionate work. at last, i met the Man...ahahahaa..happy happy happy...

and for the night i was given a task, learning to know your lens. using a 50mm, with f2.2 and shutter speed at 1/60 along with courtesy to Wantai's Canon Speedlight. was told, "Shereen jaga ke mana flash tu," by Syafeeq, "Tengok orang tu, dia suka gelak" by Wantai. got it!, moments, oooowww yess.i love to take moments, sometimes it just comes to u without u asking for it, sometimes you just need to hunt for it.

above all,im thankfully honoured to be invited to tag along with them. such an experience, demam pun demam la the don't care! coz the experience overcomes all the sickness that i was having...ahahahahha...passionate are The Bugz team in action back in Sg.Petani last July 2009 and also the Master i would love to learn with if i have the chance (praying...)

This is THE MAN- Wantai

The Bugs in action - Far end;Syafeeq, Near end Azizi

and here is me..ceeeennng i present myself in action for tommorrow story (i hope)

picture courtesy of Azizil Sedek

